First appointment
If you are ready to improve your quality of life through better hearing, our hearing professionals will take the time to properly address your hearing needs. Contact us today to set up your first appointment.

What to expect.
1. Building a Foundation
Before any testing begins, we will spend time getting to know your hearing history, give you the freedom to discuss any apprehensions you may have, explain your desired outcomes for this experience and ask questions.
2. Evaluation: Otoscopy
Testing begins with our Audiologist or Hearing Aid Specialist viewing the inside of your ear canal with an otoscope to ensure that the condition of your canal is conducive to procuring accurate test results. This exam may include video otoscopy, which allows you and your HAS to carefully view the inside of your ear canal together on a large monitor. During this process, your HAS will discuss their findings with you and the implications of those findings.
3. Evaluation: Pure Tone
While in our sound booth, we will conduct a series of tone tests that measure your hearing thresholds at different frequencies and volumes to graph your hearing ability; this visual representation of your hearing is called an audiogram.
4. Evaluation: Speech
Following Tone Testing, we will conduct Speech Testing, which helps us determine how well you understand speech (especially in noise) and how our technology could enhance your unique hearing circumstance.
5. Continuing the Dialogue
After the evaluation has been completed, we will explain all findings, welcome questions from you and your appointment companion and recommend a plan of action.
6. Practical Application
If your test results indicate that you could benefit from hearing aids and you desire to proceed, we will introduce you to the latest hearing technology, tailor the programming to your needs and allow you to experience the technology.
7. Benefit before Investment
When you purchase hearing aids, you are investing in your future quality of life. We want you to know exactly what you are getting before you make any final decisions. If you are excited about the in-office demo, we will encourage you to try the technology in your daily life for a week. After the at-home demo, if you purchase, a 30-day trial period is initiated. During your trial period, we will remain in close contact with you to customize your experience, ensuring that it is comfortable and enriching. Within the 30 days, if you decide that hearing aids are not right for you, you may return them for a full refund.